unit of intermedin

unit of intermedin
единица интермедина

Англо-русский медицинский словарь. 2012.

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Смотреть что такое "unit of intermedin" в других словарях:

  • unit — 1. One; a single person or thing. 2. A standard of measure, weight, or any other quality, by multiplications or fractions of which a scale or system is formed. 3. A group of persons or things considered as a whole because of mutual activities or… …   Medical dictionary

  • Chromatophore — Zebrafish chromatophores mediate background adaptation on exposure to dark (top) and light environments (bottom). Chromatophores are pigment containing and light reflecting cells found in amphibians, fish, reptiles, crustaceans, and cephalopods.… …   Wikipedia

  • Chromatophore — Chromatophores de Poisson zèbre à l obscurité (au dessus) et à la lumière (en dessous). Les chromatophores sont des cellules pigmentaires ou réfléchissant la lumière prése …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Cromatóforo — Los cromatóforos del pez cebra son los encargados de generar el mimetismo con el fondo, al ser expuestos a ambientes oscuros (arriba) o luminosos (abajo). Los cromatóforos son células con pigmentos en su interior que refl …   Wikipedia Español

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